I have been finding all kinds of delicious recipes and fun projects around the web; some I've already tried, some to try later on. However, they are clogging up my Bookmarks and I need to put them somewhere else. (Does that make sense, since they are all non-tangible things? Can I really "put" them anywhere?)
Already Made and Was Delicious:
Cranberry Cheesecake Pie
Stovetop Macaroni and Cheese
Looking Forward to Making Soon:
Peanut Butter Baked Oatmeal
Chocolate Chip Cheese Ball
Salted Caramel Bars
Secret Ingredient Chocolate Chip Cookies
Inedible Crafts That Look Like Fun:
Infinity Scarf
Sweater Dress
Oh, to have all kinds of free time for baking and crafting...
Friday, November 26, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Let us not forget Sambo
15-month well-baby visit today:
26.6 lbs (Anne was 24 lbs, 14 oz)
32 inches (Anne was the same)
Giant head (giant brain)
He bumped up from 50th percentile in everything to 75th in height and weight and 95th for head size. The doctor actually said "What have you been feeding him?" I said "Anything and everything!"
Sambo had 3 major screaming fits during the 25 minutes we were in the office. I know he has some separation anxiety right now, but he was borderline hysterical. He cried when I set him on the scale, when the doctor checked his teeth, and when he got his shots. It reminded me of when he was a cry-y infant who I called "King Hysterical" because he would go bonkers over nothing. (I know, compassion is my middle name. Who rolls their eyes at a baby and thinks "Buck up, buddy"?)
In his defense, Sam did get 4 shots, which would make anyone a little grumpy.
Sam Roman is a textbook 15-month-old. The doctor and I always kind of look at each other and shrug our shoulders as if to say "Yep, it's all good--see you in 3 months!"
**Addition: He also has 5 teeth. Anne had 12 at this point. Not to be constantly comparing, but where the heck are the chompers, boy?**
26.6 lbs (Anne was 24 lbs, 14 oz)
32 inches (Anne was the same)
Giant head (giant brain)
He bumped up from 50th percentile in everything to 75th in height and weight and 95th for head size. The doctor actually said "What have you been feeding him?" I said "Anything and everything!"
Sambo had 3 major screaming fits during the 25 minutes we were in the office. I know he has some separation anxiety right now, but he was borderline hysterical. He cried when I set him on the scale, when the doctor checked his teeth, and when he got his shots. It reminded me of when he was a cry-y infant who I called "King Hysterical" because he would go bonkers over nothing. (I know, compassion is my middle name. Who rolls their eyes at a baby and thinks "Buck up, buddy"?)
In his defense, Sam did get 4 shots, which would make anyone a little grumpy.
Sam Roman is a textbook 15-month-old. The doctor and I always kind of look at each other and shrug our shoulders as if to say "Yep, it's all good--see you in 3 months!"
**Addition: He also has 5 teeth. Anne had 12 at this point. Not to be constantly comparing, but where the heck are the chompers, boy?**
Saturday, November 20, 2010
And she spells, too
Anne has an awesome set of alphabet blocks. They were a gift from my aunt Diane before Anne was even born, and they have been a favorite plaything for the past 3 years.
Anne knows all her letters and she often asks me to spell things. One word she is fixated on is "Bingo" We sing the song and spell it out, so it sticks with her. She has often tried to spell "bingo" with her blocks, but she's never been successful.
Today, however, she finally did it! I did not help her at all with this--I swear. She found all the letters and I reminded her that words go from left to right, and she figured it out.
This was one of the first things she did this morning, which explains the bedhead, pajamas, and peanut butter on her face.
Way to go, Anne-Pan! You are doing a great job trying to make sense of what you hear and see.
Anne knows all her letters and she often asks me to spell things. One word she is fixated on is "Bingo" We sing the song and spell it out, so it sticks with her. She has often tried to spell "bingo" with her blocks, but she's never been successful.
Today, however, she finally did it! I did not help her at all with this--I swear. She found all the letters and I reminded her that words go from left to right, and she figured it out.
This was one of the first things she did this morning, which explains the bedhead, pajamas, and peanut butter on her face.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Pumpkin Cornbread
Well, the pumpkin investment paid off. I bought 4 pie pumpkins for $1 and roasted them. I also threw in a few of our jack o'lantern pumpkins, which were free. All in all, I had 20 cups of pumpkin puree--the equivalent of 10 cans--for a $1 investment. THAT made the effort worthwhile. Lesson learned: buy the little pumpkins when they go on clearance for 10 cents per pound!
(Second lesson learned--don't try to puree that stuff in the blender. Some people recommend using a hand mixer. I'm just asking Sam for an immersion blender for Christmas.)
So, what are we doing with a freezer full of pumpkin? I already shared pumpkin waffles with you, and now here is pumpkin cornbread.
Librarian Disclaimer: I did not write this recipe. I found it on a blog, and that author had poached it from another blog...regardless, it is not my original work in any way.
This cornbread was awesome. It was thick and somewhat dense/cakey. Definitely dancing on the line between side dish and dessert :) I will make this again for sure.
In a large bowl, whisk together:
1 cup flour
1 tablespoon baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 cup cornmeal
In a separate bowl, whisk together:
2 eggs
1 cup pumpkin
1/4 cup oil
1 tablespoon brown sugar
2 tablespoons milk
Pour the wet into the dry and mix--it will be thick! Bake in a greased 8x8 dish for 30 minutes. Cool and enjoy.
Tomorrow we will try this Pumpkin Pie Dip with the leftover cup of pumpkin...
(Second lesson learned--don't try to puree that stuff in the blender. Some people recommend using a hand mixer. I'm just asking Sam for an immersion blender for Christmas.)
So, what are we doing with a freezer full of pumpkin? I already shared pumpkin waffles with you, and now here is pumpkin cornbread.
Librarian Disclaimer: I did not write this recipe. I found it on a blog, and that author had poached it from another blog...regardless, it is not my original work in any way.
This cornbread was awesome. It was thick and somewhat dense/cakey. Definitely dancing on the line between side dish and dessert :) I will make this again for sure.
In a large bowl, whisk together:
1 cup flour
1 tablespoon baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 cup cornmeal
In a separate bowl, whisk together:
2 eggs
1 cup pumpkin
1/4 cup oil
1 tablespoon brown sugar
2 tablespoons milk
Pour the wet into the dry and mix--it will be thick! Bake in a greased 8x8 dish for 30 minutes. Cool and enjoy.
Tomorrow we will try this Pumpkin Pie Dip with the leftover cup of pumpkin...
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Thanksgiving (it's next week, people!)
I don't know about you, but those weeks between Halloween and Thanksgiving FLEW by! We are having 2 Thanksgiving celebrations this year: one on Wednesday with Sam's family and one on Thursday with mine. Both are potluck (this is Minnesota, after all), so here's what we are contributing to our respective feasts. If you need some last-minute inspiration, follow the links below.
For Wednesday:
Pumpkin pie
Cranberry Cheesecake Pie (I was looking for a "something different" dessert, and this is what I landed on. I hope it is good!)
Roasted Vegetables (same thing--wanted something different and less "carb-y" than standard sweet potatoes. Also, I've never had brussels sprouts.)
For Thursday:
Slow Cooker Sweet Potatoes (the crock pot travels well, so in goes my casserole)
Now, for fun, say "crock pot sweet potatoes" in your best Minnesotan accent.
For Wednesday:
Pumpkin pie
Cranberry Cheesecake Pie (I was looking for a "something different" dessert, and this is what I landed on. I hope it is good!)
Roasted Vegetables (same thing--wanted something different and less "carb-y" than standard sweet potatoes. Also, I've never had brussels sprouts.)
For Thursday:
Slow Cooker Sweet Potatoes (the crock pot travels well, so in goes my casserole)
Now, for fun, say "crock pot sweet potatoes" in your best Minnesotan accent.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Mom-bragging here, so go elsewhere if you don't want to hear it!
This was a question on Anne's "Ages and Stages" questionnaire from the Public Health Department. It says:
When you point to the figure and ask your child "What is this?" does your child say a word that means a person? Responses like "snowman," "boy," "man," "girl," and "Daddy" are all correct.
So what does my daughter say it looks like? She studied it carefully and said "It looks like me with one eye." I was more than happy to write down that response :)
We were also asked if our child speaks in 3-4 word sentences. We were to give an example. I wrote down this gem from last Friday's football party: "Chad, do you want to come home with us?" Nine words. Do you think she gets extra credit for that? (I should add that Anne followed up that sentence with "We have lots of cool stuff!" and that Chad is a 40-year old football coach.)
This was a question on Anne's "Ages and Stages" questionnaire from the Public Health Department. It says:
When you point to the figure and ask your child "What is this?" does your child say a word that means a person? Responses like "snowman," "boy," "man," "girl," and "Daddy" are all correct.
So what does my daughter say it looks like? She studied it carefully and said "It looks like me with one eye." I was more than happy to write down that response :)
While Daddy chopped up the tree and Sammy slept, Anne and I built a snowman. There wasn't much snow, and I hate playing outside in the cold, so we made him pretty small. I think Anne was equally excited about her "colorful mittens" and the snowman.
She knew all about what a snowman should have--arms and a face. She eagerly gathered sticks and landscape rocks to make him perfect.
Anne is obsessed with eyebrows. Her jack o'lantern had eyebrows, and so did her snowman. He also apparently competed in the Vancouver Olympics!
This snowman lasted about 24 hours before it got too warm and his head rolled off. Oh, the tragic life of the snowpeople....
TreeGate 2010
As mentioned before, the wind storm a few weeks ago alerted us to a problem on the side of our house. We have 2 extremely large trees on the side of our house, and we knew that one was not healthy. It had several sections that did not produce leaves and the trunk was bulging and splitting. The wind made the trunk-split much worse, so we decided to have the tree removed.
It was quite a process...emails to our insurance agent, bids from tree services, and consultations from family friends who are tree experts (thanks, Keith and Brad!)
After much thought, we found an arrangement that would work. The tree service would "drop" the tree, meaning cut it apart and drop it on our lawn, and Sam would clean it up and break down the chunks of wood.
The "tree guys" came on Sunday morning and they got to work while I took the kids to church. We came home to find this:
It was amazing to watch them dissect this giant plant. Tree Expert Keith estimated that this tree was at least 50 years old--it was probably spared from the clearing that happened to build our house back in 1958. Its extensive root system is what kept it from falling over; we are thankful for that!
This was just the beginning of the giant brush pile Sam has been clearing. This pile doubled in size and there was another equal-sized pile on the other side of the house. Not to mention the big logs, branches, and pieces of the trunk! Another big thanks to our friend Dale for helping Sam break down the big chunks of wood and loaning us his truck for hauling. Sam hauled all day today and will again tomorrow. Moving a tree one pickup load at a time is not very efficient! And thanks to Karl for the use of his chainsaw!
All in all, TreeGate 2010 was a learning experience for us as homeowners. Unexpected things happen (usually at a bad time) and you have to roll with it. Also, the cheapest labor is the kind you do yourself :)
It was quite a process...emails to our insurance agent, bids from tree services, and consultations from family friends who are tree experts (thanks, Keith and Brad!)
After much thought, we found an arrangement that would work. The tree service would "drop" the tree, meaning cut it apart and drop it on our lawn, and Sam would clean it up and break down the chunks of wood.
The "tree guys" came on Sunday morning and they got to work while I took the kids to church. We came home to find this:
All in all, TreeGate 2010 was a learning experience for us as homeowners. Unexpected things happen (usually at a bad time) and you have to roll with it. Also, the cheapest labor is the kind you do yourself :)
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Quick update
Random goings-on of the Westphalls:
--Sambo got a real haircut last night and looks so very handsome. He also now says "Thank you" and signs "Please" and says "Peek-a-boo" while hiding behind the coffee table. He's also very enamored by Daddy these days--everything is "Dada Dada Dada!"
--Anne wore some adorable braided pigtails to daycare this morning. She was straight out of "Little House on the Prairie" (Can you think of anything else when you see braids?)
--Mommy spent the weekend in Madison visiting friends. Two nights away from my kids! I think Sam summed up his feelings well in a text message that read "Come home. This sucks." Good to know I was missed!
--The wild wind a few weeks ago revealed to us that our half-dead tree is ready to fall down and crush us all. So we are having a major tree-removal this Sunday. Super fun way to spend your weekend (and your money) :(
--Sam has been doing the final finishing touches on our kitchen project. Baseboards and toe-kicks and all those little things that you think can wait once the bulk of the project is done. The kitchen is looking very nice, and now our table looks dumpy in its new surroundings. Maybe Santa will bring me this for Christmas(!)
--Remember the pumpkin fiasco? Well, I'm a sucker for a good deal, so when I saw the pie pumpkins on sale last night for only 10 cents a pound, I bought 4 of them! Genius or idiot? We'll find out this afternoon...
--Sambo got a real haircut last night and looks so very handsome. He also now says "Thank you" and signs "Please" and says "Peek-a-boo" while hiding behind the coffee table. He's also very enamored by Daddy these days--everything is "Dada Dada Dada!"
--Anne wore some adorable braided pigtails to daycare this morning. She was straight out of "Little House on the Prairie" (Can you think of anything else when you see braids?)
--Mommy spent the weekend in Madison visiting friends. Two nights away from my kids! I think Sam summed up his feelings well in a text message that read "Come home. This sucks." Good to know I was missed!
--The wild wind a few weeks ago revealed to us that our half-dead tree is ready to fall down and crush us all. So we are having a major tree-removal this Sunday. Super fun way to spend your weekend (and your money) :(
--Sam has been doing the final finishing touches on our kitchen project. Baseboards and toe-kicks and all those little things that you think can wait once the bulk of the project is done. The kitchen is looking very nice, and now our table looks dumpy in its new surroundings. Maybe Santa will bring me this for Christmas(!)
--Remember the pumpkin fiasco? Well, I'm a sucker for a good deal, so when I saw the pie pumpkins on sale last night for only 10 cents a pound, I bought 4 of them! Genius or idiot? We'll find out this afternoon...
Thursday, November 4, 2010
The evolution of nicknames at our house is an interesting thing. Observe:
I think they sound like a pair of pandas in the zoo: PanPan and BoBo.
Annie loves to call the baby "Sambo" or just "Bo" Sometimes when I get her dressed in the morning, she'll look at him in the crib and say "Hey, Bo! Hiya, Bo!" And he just grins his flirty grin at us and we melt.
Sammy's learning new things every day. Here's an update on what he can do:
Identify by pointing:
mouth and eyes (sometimes)
Animal sounds:
cow (moo moo)
sheep (baa baa)
horse (neigh neigh)
monkey (aaaaahh)
kitty (mow-mow) (sounds a lot like moo moo if you don't know better)
Words he says:
What's that? (ooo...wass sat?)
Nana (sometimes)
Dee-dee (for his blankie, just like Anne calls hers)
Tricks he does:
You say "hut hut hike!" and he throws whatever he is holding
You say "How big are you?" and he throws his arms in the air for "so big!"
His walking is coming along--we aren't going to have a moment when we say "Oh, Sammy walks now!" It is a progression as he becomes more confident. I have cautious, careful children (yay!) and Sammy is just being careful as he toddles from place to place. He also knows that crawling will get him there faster, so sometimes he chooses to do that. He is also learning to crawl up the stairs, but he'll only do it if someone is standing with him (again, cautious!)
I think they sound like a pair of pandas in the zoo: PanPan and BoBo.
Annie loves to call the baby "Sambo" or just "Bo" Sometimes when I get her dressed in the morning, she'll look at him in the crib and say "Hey, Bo! Hiya, Bo!" And he just grins his flirty grin at us and we melt.
Sammy's learning new things every day. Here's an update on what he can do:
Identify by pointing:
mouth and eyes (sometimes)
Animal sounds:
cow (moo moo)
sheep (baa baa)
horse (neigh neigh)
monkey (aaaaahh)
kitty (mow-mow) (sounds a lot like moo moo if you don't know better)
Words he says:
What's that? (ooo...wass sat?)
Nana (sometimes)
Dee-dee (for his blankie, just like Anne calls hers)
Tricks he does:
You say "hut hut hike!" and he throws whatever he is holding
You say "How big are you?" and he throws his arms in the air for "so big!"
His walking is coming along--we aren't going to have a moment when we say "Oh, Sammy walks now!" It is a progression as he becomes more confident. I have cautious, careful children (yay!) and Sammy is just being careful as he toddles from place to place. He also knows that crawling will get him there faster, so sometimes he chooses to do that. He is also learning to crawl up the stairs, but he'll only do it if someone is standing with him (again, cautious!)
Monday, November 1, 2010
Here are the kiddos, ready to trick-or-treat. Annie is "Annie" and Sam is a dalmatian puppy. Every time he looked in the mirror he said "Moo moo!" and I would say "No, you're a dog! Not a cow!" Either way, I think he enjoyed being in costume. He never once tried to pull that bonnet off his head.
Annie was in her element, for sure. She loved her dress and wore it all day Saturday and all day Sunday. She was so psyched for trick-or-treating that I don't think she noticed the cold at all. She just kept running for "more houses! more candy!" Candy was the first thing she asked for this morning. Halloween creates monsters out of children, for sure!
Annie was in her element, for sure. She loved her dress and wore it all day Saturday and all day Sunday. She was so psyched for trick-or-treating that I don't think she noticed the cold at all. She just kept running for "more houses! more candy!" Candy was the first thing she asked for this morning. Halloween creates monsters out of children, for sure!
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