Sunday, April 21, 2013

Sweet Sam and Above-Average Anne

We had just viewed a commercial for a jewelery store...

Sammy: Mom, we should buy you a jewel
Me: Oh, yeah?  That would be nice.
Sammy: Yeah!  A diamond!  Let's go right now!
Me: Well, diamonds are very expensive

Anne: What does "expensive" mean?
Me: It means it costs a lot of money.
Anne: And what means the opposite?
Me: Well, something that doesn't cost a lot of money is "cheap"
Anne: if I found a Strawberry Shortcake toy that cost $91, that would be expensive.  But if I found a My Little Pony toy that cost only $1, that would be cheap.

At this rate, she isn't so much going to ATTEND kindergarten as she is INSTRUCT kindergarten.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

What Does This Situation Need?

An infant!

Baby Westphall #4--October 2013

We're gonna need a bigger tub...

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Additions to that last one

Calvin also:
-initiates peek-a-boo (hilarious)
-cruises around the furniture
-now says "Uh-oh" and "What's that?"  Today he did a lot of crying that sounded like "Mama!  Mama!"
-we have proof of his constant neediness--he never developed a Baby Bald Spot on the back of his head.  Most kids wear a little bald patch on their head from lying on the floor or hanging out in the swing, but not our guy.  He was never happy in one place long enough for any progress to be made.