Friday, July 13, 2012

The Summer List: Part One

After Cal was born, Sam and I made a list of 20 things we wanted to do this summer.  It seems every year we are gung-ho in June to enjoy our free time, and by August we realize that we've wasted away another summer.  Well, not this year!  We made the list, hung it up in the house, and have been slowly chipping away at it.  Here is the first installment:

1. Play in the sprinkler
Why is this on the list?  Because wet kids, dry grass, and sand are a yucky combo that I don't often want in my house.  I knew I'd never inflate the sprinkler and let them outside if I didn't put it on the list.

Sammy was there, too.  He wouldn't be still long enough for a photo.

2. Visit Adrienne's horse
Auntie Adrienne has 3 horses that live at her parents' house in Wisconsin.  Anne is ALL ABOUT the horses right now, so we wanted to visit them.  Anne and Sammy got to ride Lil' Bit and feed apples and carrots to Red and Pretty Girl. 

3. Make dinner in the fire pit
We combined veggies and chicken in foil packets and cooked over the backyard fire.  It was delicious!
Sammy with our tray of ingredients


Seriously good dinner

4. Camping
Okay, so we fudged this one a bit.  Sam and the big kids "camped" in a makeshift tent in our basement.  Like we were really going to go camping with 3 tiny children!
Ready for sleep under the sheet-tent.  Mommy got to sleep alone in her bed--hooray!

5. Byron Zoo
In Oxbow Park in Byron, MN there is a small zoo of native Minnesota animals.  It is just the right size for preschoolers--not too much walking, and the animals are in small enclosures, allowing you to get very close.
Cal in the Baby Bjorn

Looking like twins with 2 bald eagles



6. Make popsicles
Sammy and I made Drumstick-inspired popsicles with chocolate syrup, pecans, and vanilla pudding.  He was a good helper, and (in his words) I was a "good cooker"

Distributing his creations--note his scrape from falling down the stairs :(

7. Ice cream at Levee Park
Frozen custard from Culver's and a sunny evening looking at the river--it was delightful!  Too bad the camera was at home.  Here are my sticky kids after it was all over:

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