Saturday, July 6, 2013

Blog Catch-Up: February

Cal enjoys looking out the window, so we set up his high chair by the front door.

So cute--9 months old

The kids got "mystery valentines" from Oma and Opa.  They had to paint the hearts to reveal a secret message

Mom and Dad went to Chicago!  The kids stayed home and we left for a few days.  We saw Erin and Todd, went to a comedy club, and took in an outdoor hockey game at Soldier Field.

A hockey rink is much smaller than a football field.  Gophers lost to the Badgers.

Cal discovered he likes scrambled eggs.  It is one of only 2 meals I can guarantee all 3 kids will eat (the other is cheese tortellini)

Anne drew this picture of Sammy on a balloon.  I thought it was super cute when the balloon popped and it was mini-sized!

Bobo asleep with his best buddy: Bear.

Playing in the sink never gets old

Organizing his goalie "mask-ez" according to the standings.  The Wild were leading their division on this day!

Re-creating a photo of Sambo, which can be seen here

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