Saturday, October 1, 2011

Matching Jammies

The kids have matching "woodland animal" pajamas.  This is the best of about 20 pictures I took.  Sambo is a little blurry...

Cute pajama-related stories:
Sammy calls them "jamas"
Anne has a movie with a deer character named Giselle, which she pronounces "Duhzelle"  Since there are deer on her jammies, she said, "There are about a hundred Duhzelles on here!"
Anne doesn't really like pajamas; every night she asks if she can sleep in her clothes.

1 comment:

TB said...

my boys sleep in their clothes all the time--odd isn't it that they love it so much??? the are also undie sleepers quite often now too....... oh they are getting so old!

i love the duhzelle jammies and story :)