Saturday, April 14, 2012

Easter Fun

 Anne and Sammy, ready for church on Sunday.  This was the best, non-blurry shot we could get.  We're thinking of re-naming the boy, "Blur Head"
 Anne and I dyed eggs on Saturday.  We used Kool-Aid and it turned out great!  Mix 1 packet of Kool-Aid with 2/3 cup water and dye away.  She thought it was the greatest thing ever.  I thought I was smart for putting Sambo down for a nap first.
 Color-coordinated bowls, spoons, and dye.  I'm so organized.
 The results!
Anne also helped me prep the plastic eggs for hunting.  We had math-related fun by sorting the jellybeans by color, then counting each color and dividing by the number of eggs we had.  For example, 42 green jellybeans divided by 7 green plastic eggs equals 6 beans in each egg.  She was a very patient little counter (and eater--she still has jellybeans left one week later!)

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