Thursday, April 12, 2012

Getting Ready

"Ready" for Baby #1:
Multiple baby showers (both pre- and post-baby)
Tiny clothes washed in dye-free detergent, hung by size on matching hangers
Onesies folded and stacked in the dresser
Packs of newborn-size diapers in multiple brands (in case of allergy/skin reaction)
A perfectly dust-free nursery

All of these things completed 2 months before baby arrives

"Ready" for Baby #3:
One pack of size 1 diapers (Walmart brand.  Tell your skin to deal with it.)
Random assortment of hand-me-down newborn clothes from siblings (pink pile and blue pile)
Basket of white onesies, assorted sizes
Nursery badly in need of vacuuming, only furniture is the changing table and a bookshelf (crib still on loan for a few weeks, chair for Mom still nonexistent)
Mom with the attitude, "Yeah, I'll get to it.  I've got a whole month left!"

One can only imagine how well I might prepare for Baby #4....

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