The LA Times today published a set of "teacher rankings" based on student test scores. While that is controversial enough, I was shocked by the comments from a parent on the ABC News video I just watched. Her statement? "If my child is getting an 'F' and I know he is capable of doing 'A' work, that reflects poorly on the teacher."
Jigga WHAT?!?! That reflects poorly on your KID and on YOU as his parent! Let's think: Your lazy-bones kid won't do his homework, study, or participate in class, so he fails. That's 100% on the teacher to remedy? How 'bout you do some parenting? How 'bout your kid grows up a bit and gets his act together?
No wonder teachers resign every year and tenured teachers just "phone it in" every is too much to have to parent these kids while trying to provide a rigorous education. Every minute a teacher spends tracking down late homework, calling home about lunch money, and looking for lost gym shoes is one minute he or she could be spending actually teaching something. So do your job as a parent and teach your kid responsibility and accountability. It would go a long way towards helping everyone learn more.
We're becoming a country of "it can't be my fault" parents raising a bunch of "let somebody else do it" children. Sad. Fight back! Raise your kids right!
Ha ha! Statistics can be so distorting, as well as media. Put them together and it's a wonder people even watch the news for accurate information really.
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