Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Things I'm Loving Right Now

1. Old Dutch Multigrain Tortilla Chips. These things are amazing! Slightly more healthful than regular tortilla chips, one serving has about a quarter of the fiber you need in one day. Plus, not being name-brand Tostitos, they are pretty cheap, too.

2. Dollar Tree. Okay, I know the dollar store has a certain stigma around it, but you should give it a try. Oma, Anne, and I went the other day just to look around and I score a couple good deals. Annie got new tights for the winter; 3 pairs for a dollar. If you have a daughter, you know how often tights are worn, so this is an especially good deal. I also got 20 Swiffer-but-not-"Swiffer" cloths for $1. Twenty! That's 5 cents a piece. I use my Swiffer once a week in the bedrooms to get dust and dog hair off our wood floors. I can sweep for an entire year for only $2.60. That's amazing, considering real Swiffer cloths are 12 for $4 at Target/Menards.

3. My DISHWASHER! Hallelujah, my life just got easier. Samuel, love of my life, retrieved and installed a dishwasher we bought from Craig's List. Grandpa Steve helped as well. If you have not perused Craig's List lately, you should try. http://www.craigslist.org It's kind of like garage sale-ing, but you can search for exactly what you want. So we got a dishwasher that works perfectly fine for $10. One family wants a stainless steel model instead of a white one, and we reap the benefits. Even with the electrical and plumbing supplies, we came out just under $100. Of course, we lost precious cabinet and drawer space in our already snug kitchen, but the sanity and arguments saved will be worth it. Here are the before, during, and after pictures. There's still a bit of cosmetic work to do, but it washes dishes just fine.

I must say, I really enjoy seeing a completed project. The dishwasher was always a "someday" thing for us, but now it is really here.

Okay, enough waxing poetic about an appliance. I'll just go sit by it and stroke it lovingly...

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