Wednesday, November 4, 2009

2 Month Check-Up, and Annie speaks (even more!)

Sammy went to the doctor on Monday for his 2-month visit. It was originally scheduled for last Monday, but our doctor was out sick. I let go of some Mom Guilt/Obligation and had Sam take the baby to the doctor alone. I went to work. It was harder than I thought to let it go--I know Sam is capable of handling a doctor's appointment, but I felt a little bad missing it. Seemed senseless, though, to waste at least 2 hours of sick time and write a sub plan just to be at a routine visit.

Side note: There should be special parenting books written for teachers. I would estimate that half of the "working mom" advice out there does not apply to people who work in schools. You can't have a flex-time schedule, you can't visit your baby on lunch, you can't be gone unless you write 3 pages of detailed plans for the person who will be here in your place, no coming in early so you can leave early. You do get to be home all summer, though... :)

Anyway, here are Sammy's stats:

Weight: 12 lbs, 7 oz
Length: 23.5 inches

He is exactly average in all areas, including head size. Apparently he is the perfect model of a 2-month old boy.

In Annie news, she says "Oh" and "Too" now. As in, "I need some chocolate, too."

Last night I was in the living room and Sam was in the office. I yelled to him "What are you doing?" and he replied "I was going to let Annie watch her puppy videos, but she left." And Annie perked right up and said "Oh, my G-O Dog!" and walked right in there. Sam and I about died laughing. Later she walked by her blankie on the couch and said "Oh, there's my deedee."

Anne received some new Play-Doh the other day. She kept asking me to open it so she could play with it. I was busy with other stuff, but she kept persisting. She kept saying "You cut it." meaning "You cut open the package". I finally decided to open it for her, and then I couldn't find it. We looked on the table, on the couch, all around. Finally I looked at Annie and said "Where did you put it?" and she pointed to the counter near the kitchen shears and said "Right there." There was the Play-Doh, just waiting for me! How nice to have such a verbal child!

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