Monday, November 2, 2009


Here they are, in all their costumed glory.

My penguin was crabby all day long, and this was no exception. He probably felt bad for being dressed as a penguin when the Wild were in Pittsburgh playing Sid the Kid.
My "canny corn" receives her special treats from Oma.

She really didn't like her costume very much, but she humored me for a little while.
We had a whole plan to visit lots of friends and trick-or-treat a little bit, but Daddy got held up at work and we got a late start, so we just went to Oma's and to Karl and Christine's to visit baby Madelyn. Her grandma Cindy was there, and she held Sammy and he calmed right down! Just laid on her, looking around, and then fell asleep. Stinker.

In response to Saturday's lack of baby sleep, this mama has given up the coffee. I was a grumpy sourpuss all day yesterday, but then Sammy slept from 9:00 pm to 5:30am, which made it a bit easier to handle. But I'll miss you, coffee! I'll miss you, Diet Coke! See you again in 4 months or so...

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