Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Verbal Gems from Tonight

Anne's been full of wisdom this evening. Here are a few of her thoughts:

Sam's red truck bit the dust today. Anne proposed this solution: We need some red glue! That will make it feel better.

When Sam got home she shouted "Daddy, your truck is broken!"

"Goodbye, sweetheart!" as she was leaving the room

"You're a good mama, Mama."

Anne names her babies weird things. Tonight the baby is called "Jay-dum" She had to give Jay-dum a time-out. She set it on the floor and stared it down, saying "You need to say sorry!"

While looking in the pantry "We have pizza soup and spaghetti soup!"

She set her baby on a chair, put a blankie around its neck, and said "My baby's getting a haircut!" When I told her she had to pretend to use the mousse she said "I don't wanna puh-tend! That baby needs her hair to be pretty!"


Joy said...

i love it. keep those precious gems coming.

Anders said...

I bet Sam misses his old XJ.

Nanny #2 said...

I love the haircut one! And the making her doll say sorry sounds a little to much like someone else in the house.