Monday, June 1, 2009

Much to come

We had a wonderful weekend with Erin's wedding--everything was just perfect, and she and Todd are quite happy. I have lots of stories and will soon have lots of pictures, so stay tuned.

Sam and I also attended a very emotional funeral yesterday, and there are many things to say about that, too. I need to get my thoughts in order, first.

Four days of work left! Then I'm out of here until, that's a long time.

I'll leave you with Annie--she's been copying EVERYTHING we say lately, and this morning she heard the dog whining in his kennel and said "KeeKee, 'nuf! Git down!" That translates to "Mikey, that's enough. Get down." Apparently we tell him to "get down" quite often (get off the bed, get off the couch, get off my lap, etc.) I better stop muttering "stupid dog" under my breath, lest I hear it come out of her little mouth!

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