Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Watch your mouth!

We have had to increase the power on our internal censors lately, as Anne repeats everything we say. She has told both Sam and me to "Shut up" (and received subsequent time-outs). She's learning, though, as illustrated in the following conversations:

Sam (after an opposing player hit a homerun in the Twins game): Oh crap.
Anne (whispering): Don't say that word.
Sam: You're right, I'm sorry

Anne: We don't say "pee". That's a bad word. We say "wet" or "potty."

Me: Anne, you are being a crab.
Anne: That's a naughty word.
Me: No, that's not what I said...nevermind.

1 comment:

Ginger Murray said...

Ah hahahha...
This girl is amazing.

(Sam needs a time out!!)