Monday, April 20, 2009

Gotta brag (then be humble)

I get an email every week from called "Your Baby This Week." It is usually a brief overview of what Anne should be doing at this stage in life, though I continue to find that the 18-month-olds they are talking about bear little resemblance to my kid.

Case in point: This week's email said (I'm paraphrasing) "Your child should be putting two words together now." Uh, yeah. She's been doing that since she started talking! She said "Bye, Daddy" at 13 months when we were in Vegas. Last night she wowed us with "I want more cheese, please." Of course, it sounds like "I wah mah chees, pees." But we knew what she meant!

Sidenote: As we say at our house: Nothing trumps cheese. That kid loves the stuff. No toy, person, tv show can compete for her attention when the potential for cheese exists. Anytime we go near the fridge we hear "Ah chees pees?" We started hiding it in the crisper drawer, but she's on to us now.

So, to summarize, Anne has very nice verbal skills. Now, to knock her down a peg, I'll say that we passed our neigbor Landon as we walked by the park yesterday. He walked up all of the stairs on the playground to the top of the big slide, not even talking baby "two-steps," but walking full-on like an adult. Why is this significant? Because he's 14 months old. When Anne comes to a flight of stairs, she's like a wind-up toy stuck in one place, just banging her shins against the steps. Hello! Step UP! Lift those feet!

To my siblings: Annie was a living Dimitri Martin act last night. She used to say "bee-nah" for "banana," then it evolved to "bana" and then last night it was "ba-na-na-na" I was laughing to myself thinking "How many 'nas' are on this thing? Bana. Bana-ana. Damn."

1 comment:

The Thuente Family said...

I think Lillian must be quite similar to what Annie was like at 12 months. Lillian talks like crazy "Hi Dada" and "Bye Dada" "Pretty" etc. She even says "Hi Jesus!" now. But will she crawl? No. Will she cruise without major persuasion? No. Stairs in a few months? Doubt it. I think I like the talking better though! At least I don't have to chase her! Cheese is the most important food ever so I can't blame Anne one bit. I go through 2 string cheeses a day, minimum. Lillian's affection for cheese grows with each day too. Good stuff!